The arms are separated into 3 areas - the biceps, the triceps and the forearms. The main exercises for the biceps are curls. The triceps are the biggest muscle in the arm and one of the least worked muscles in the body. The best exercises for the triceps are the triceps pushdowns and lying extensions. Also dips are a good triceps exercise and also work the chest well. For the forearms the best exercises are wrist curls.
Shoulders are sometimes the most difficult muscles to train. The best exercises are shoulder presses and shrugs. When doing shrugs use a really heavy weight and that will get your shoulders packing on the muscle.
The chest is the most worked, focused on and favorite muscle for nearly all bodybuilders. The chest is divided into two parts: higher and lower chest. The bench press is the best exercise, however there are variations. A flat bench press, the incline and decline work the uppers and lower chest area. Another great exercise for the chest is the fly.
The Back is the biggest muscle of the body, divided into upper, lower and then the sides. For the upper part of the back, lateral pull downs and seated pulley rows are a good exercise. For the lower back, the superman stretch is good. To perform this lie down on your stomach with hands and legs stretched straight. The reverse extension is a good lower back exercise. For the sides of the back to get the V shape, good exercises are chins and pull downs.
The legs have 3 different muscles – quadriceps, hamstrings and calves. Squats are definitely the best exercise for the legs. Squats target the quadriceps. For the hamstrings, the best exercises are leg curls and stiff-legged dead lifts. And for the calves, the best exercises are calf raises both standing and sitting.
Squeezing the muscle develops abs. The abs take a long time to develop and the best gains come from crunches, pelvic tilts and side bends. With these 3 exercises you target all 3 areas of the abs. The crunch targets the upper abs. The pelvic tilts target the lower abs and the side bends target the obliques, which are the side abs.
"Weightlifting" is one of the world's most misunderstood and under-appreciated sports. Part of the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 (with a women's event having been added in 2000), weightlifting is the only Olympic sport in which heavy weights are used. Weightlifting is the only weight sport that is included as an event in the Olympic Games - which is why the sport of Weightlifting is often referred to as "Olympic Weightlifting" or simply "Olympic Lifting".
The best lifters in the world in the lighter weight classes can lift as much as 2.5 times their bodyweight in the Snatch). The best super heavyweight weightlifters in history have lifted nearly 500-lb./227.5 kg.
In the clean and jerk (C&J), the bar is also lifted to full arm's length overhead. Since the athlete is lifting the bar in two stages in the C&J, heavier weights can be lifted in the C&J than in the snatch.
Weightlifting is a sport in which the strongest and most powerful men and women in the world compete. Weightlifters simply have the strongest and most powerful muscles in the world, developed by hard and very specialized training that develops enormous strength without the "bulk" that bodybuilders, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, possess. Bodybuilders are dedicated athletes and many are quite strong, but they are not as strong as the best weightlifters and their muscles needn't be strong because they compete solely on the basis of the appearance of their muscles, not their strength (muscle size and strength are not highly correlated).
There are four broad categories of those who train with weights: weight trainers, bodybuilders, power lifters and weightlifters.
Those who train with weights for general fitness purposes, or to improve their performance in another sport, are typically referred to as "weight trainers". Athletes with much smaller and less visible muscles can often out-lift bodybuilders by a wide margin. Those who train purely for strength often participates in a sport called "Powerlifting". Bodybuilders don't train primarily for strength. Powerlifters, many of whom are wonderful strength athletes, do not face the level of competition that weightlifters do. Wrestlers and football players (along with many other athletes) train with weights to improve their size and strength.
Weightlifting is primarily a test of strength and power (power is a factor in this sport because being able to move a heavy barbell relatively rapidly is as important as pure strength).
Medical Disclaimer: These articles are presented for general informational purposes only. It is not the intention of this article or any others on this web site to provide specific medical advice, but rather to provide users with information to better understand their health. Specific medical advice should be obtained with a thorough physical examination from your health care provider. Consult with a qualified physician for diagnosis and for answers to your personal queries.