Sinister: The film opens on Super 8 footage where a family of four are standing under a tree with bags over their heads and nooses around their necks. An unseen figure saws a tree limb acting as a counterweight with a pole saw, and cuts it off, sending the fam
Sinister: The film opens on Super 8 footage where a family of four are standing under a tree with bags over their heads and nooses around their necks. An unseen figure saws a tree limb acting as a counterweight with a pole saw, and cuts it off, sending the fam
Released: March 11, 2012
Runtime: 110 mins
Genres: Horror Mystery
Countries: USA
Director: Scott Derrickson
Actors: Blake Mizrahi Cameron Ocasio Clare Foley Danielle Kotch Ethan Haberfield Ethan Hawke Fred Dalton Thompson James Ransone Janet Zappala Juliet Rylance Michael Hall D'Addario Nicholas King Rachel Konstantin Rob Riley Tavis Smiley Victoria Leigh Vincent D'Onofrio
Released: March 11, 2012
Runtime: 110 mins
Genres: Horror Mystery
Countries: USA
Director: Scott Derrickson
Actors: Blake Mizrahi Cameron Ocasio Clare Foley Danielle Kotch Ethan Haberfield Ethan Hawke Fred Dalton Thompson James Ransone Janet Zappala Juliet Rylance Michael Hall D'Addario Nicholas King Rachel Konstantin Rob Riley Tavis Smiley Victoria Leigh Vincent D'Onofrio